Roasted Balsamic Brussel Sprouts


My experience with brussel sprouts growing up were my grandma’s brussel sprouts at Thanksgiving. Let me tell you something, all she did was boil them. She didn’t even add and salt or pepper. So growing up, I basically avoided eating brussel sprouts because I just thought they tasted disgusting. 

A few years ago, I decided I wanted to give brussel sprouts another try, but make them more flavorful. I saw recipes for roasting brussel sprouts, and since it didn’t involve boiling them, I thought that sounded like a great way to try cooking them. Adding balsamic, garlic, and onion powder makes these brussel sprouts so much more flavorful, a huge difference from those Thanksgiving brussel sprouts.

This is a pretty simple recipe. Just mix all the ingredients together and throw them in the oven. They come out super tasty. I do prefer to serve these brussel sprouts with applesauce. When I eat them, I like to dunk the sprouts into the applesauce. If you want to see more recipes with brussel sprouts comment below!  



8 sprouts

1 tbsp. olive oil

1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

2 cloves of garlic

1/8 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. of black pepper     

1/8 tsp. onion powder


Servings per recipe: 2

Serving size: 4 sprouts (about 92g)

Phe per serving: 69mg



  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

  2. Cut the ends off of the sprouts, and then cut each sprout in half.

  3. Place all sprouts in a mixing bowl. Then add remaining ingredients to the brussel sprouts and mix together. If you want the flavors to soak in more, marinate brussel sprouts for 15-30 minutes.

  4. Evenly place brussel sprouts on to a greased baking sheet.

  5. Place in the oven for 8-10 minutes. Flip the sprouts, then put back in for another 8-10 minutes. (Oven temperatures vary, so if your oven runs hotter, cook for less time).

  6. Serve and Enjoy!