Labor Day Fruit Tray

Looking for a fun platter for Labor Day? Look no further, and try out this Labor Day Fruit Tray. This is super easy to put together. The whip cream takes the longest time to make, but it was surprisingly easy to do. Having a blender is the quickest way to make it, but you can definitely still make it by hand. When I was planning this recipe I thought I didn’t have a blender, but I luckily had this Cuisinart hand blender that I could use, and was able to whip it up in a few minutes. If you don’t have a blender, that’s okay you can still whip it by hand, it’ll just take a little bit longer and you’ll get a good arm workout in. You can serve the whip cream immediately after it’s made, but I actually put this in the fridge overnight and used it the next day, and it worked great. I wouldn’t keep it much longer than that as it won’t keep for more than a day.

The fruits I used for this tray were a combination of red and blueish/purple colored fruits. I used blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, and strawberries. Use a large casserole pan or a large tray to put together this fruit tray. Use a small bowl for the whip cream and place in the top left corner of the tray. Then all you need to do is place the fruit in rows, alternating between red fruits (watermelon, raspberries, strawberries) and blue fruits (blueberries, blackberries). This makes it into a festive flag for Labor Day.

I have never been a huge fan of blackberries as they are a bit bitter for me, but I found that dipping them in whip cream made them sweeter and more tasty for me. This may be a good way to get your little ones to try new fruit. I recommend offering toothpicks or dessert forks for people to use instead of grabbing with their hands, especially if you plan on using this during a party or any other type of get-together. Also, make sure to put it out when you expect people to start eating and not too early. If you put it out too early, the whip cream will melt. 

While I am posting this fruit tray for Labor Day, it’s also a great recipe to keep on hand for 4th of July or any other summer fun activities. This fresh fruit is a great poolside treat that is so refreshing. I hope you guys enjoy this treat in the last few weeks of summer while it’s still hot out. Let me know what you think of this one in the comments below!

Fruit Tray:


Watermelon 160g (1 cup)

Serving size: ¼ cup 

Servings per recipe: 4

Phe per serving: 6mg

Blueberries 52g  + 45g= 97  (1 cups)

Serving Size: ¼ cup 

Servings per recipe: 4

Phe per serving: 9 

Blackberries 120g (1 cup)

Serving Size: ¼ cup

Servings per recipe: 4

Phe per serving: 15mg

Strawberries 141g (1  cup)

Serving Size: ¼ cup

Servings per recipe: 4

Phe per serving: 8mg

Raspberries 140g  ( 1 cup)

Serving Size: ¼ cup

Servings per recipe: 4 

Phe per serving: 9.25

Whipped cream (see below for recipe)


  1. Use a large casserole dish and a small bowl to serve.

  2. Place the whip cream in small bowl and place in the top left corner of the casserole dish.

  3. Cut larger pieces of fruit (watermelon, strawberries, etc.) into bite size pieces.

  4. Place the fruit in rows from top to bottom or the casserole dish, alternating between a red fruit and a blue/purple fruit.

  5. Serve immediately and enjoy.

Whipped Cream:

1 cup Heavy cream 225g

2 tbsp Powdered sugar 10g

½ tsp Vanilla extract

Serving size: 1tbsp

servings per recipe: 15 

phe/serving: 15mg


  1. Place bowl and mixer (or whisk) into the freezer for 15 minutes

  2. Place all ingredients into bowl

  3. Whisk on low setting for 1 minute. Then whisk on high for about 2-3 minutes until stiff peaks form (see pictures) 

  4. Put in a serving bowl or top your favorite dessert with it and enjoy!