It's Been Awhile

Hey guys,

So it’s been awhile since I posted here. I sort of stopped posting regularly when COVID hit and my living situation changed. I was living with family and sharing a kitchen and it just wasn’t super conducive to me feeling creative in the kitchen. When I moved out again, I was back in school and just didn’t have much time to dedicate to creating new recipes and posting regularly. 

But that doesn’t mean that I completely forgot about this blog. In fact, it’s been quite the opposite. I’ve been thinking about this blog almost everyday. It’s kind of hard to not think about it when PKU is something you have to deal with every day. I did try to come back for a little while, but that was very short-lived. That was more bad planning and not being fully committed on my end. 

This time, however, I am more hopeful that I will be back for longer than a couple weeks. I have spent more time planning what I want to post from now until the end of the year. Whether that goes to plan or not I don't know, but I will try. I am not going to apologize for being absent from this blog, because life happens and I don’t want to feel guilty for what I need to prioritize in my life. But I do want to continue to add to this blog to share with all of you.

If you want to read more about why I created this blog in the first place, read this article that I wrote when I created this blog. I talk about what shaped my decision in creating this blog and why it’s important to me to share recipes with the PKU community.

I am excited for what I’ve got planned coming up and I hope you guys enjoy the new recipes. I’ve also taken some time to make a few updates with what I’ve been doing here. I’ve been slowly adding nutritional values to all my posts, you may or may not have noticed that yet. Please allow me some time to add all of these. I am starting with my oldest recipes and moving forward from there. I will make sure to add these to my new posts, but for my older ones it may take a little bit of time to get them all updated. I am also trying to work on updating some of my pins on pinterest for some of my older recipes. 

I hope you guys can appreciate the fact that life gets hard sometimes, and I haven’t always been able to give this blog my full attention. I do want you to know that even if I go quiet for a period of time, I haven’t forgotten, it’s more likely that I got busy with some other things going on in my life. It’s all a big balancing act, and I’m just trying to navigate it the best I can. 

I also have some new ideas for how to be more active on Instagram. I’ll be real though, I’m not the best content creator, so please bear with me. But also, if you have tips or recommendations for using Instagram, or for types of recipes or content you want to see on this blog, please comment below or message me on Instagram. I would really love to hear from you guys what you like or wish to see from Perfectly PKU. 

I appreciate all of you and for your patience with me 🫶
