Avocado Sushi Roll


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I love sushi. Obviously, only the vegetarian kind, but it is still so good. When I was in college, I really wanted to try making my own sushi so I decided to buy a sushi kit and take a shot at making my own sushi. The sushi kit was a super handy as a first time sushi maker. It had step-by-step directions on the back of the box that helped me out. And it also came with most of the materials I needed, mostly importantly the bamboo mat. A tip to help make this an easy cleanup recipe is to cover your bamboo mat with saran wrap. It makes it so much easier to clean up any mess.


For anyone out there who wants to make sushi but feels overwhelmed by it, trust me it gets easier the more you make it. The hardest part of making sushi for me was being able to roll the sushi. The first several times I made it, the sushi roll definitely came out a little sloppy. This part of the sushi making is still pretty tough for me, but I have a little trick that makes it easier. I use my cutting knife to help tuck the Nori sheet under the rice as you roll it. It helps keep all the sushi fillings in as opposed to falling out when you roll it. It also helps to roll it quickly for the same reason. It’s definitely a trial-and-error process to get a good sushi wrap.

I personally love avocado and think it tastes delicious in sushi. This recipe can easily be adapted to use other veggies in your sushi roll. Some of my other favorite sushi fillings include carrots, cucumbers, and shiitake mushrooms.

Another thing to keep in mind if you want to make sushi is to always use freshly made rice! I’ve tried making sushi with leftover rice, and it just does not come out well. Freshly cooked rice is the best. I usually make a lot of rice because I use a rice cooker and it’s easier to make a large batch of rice as opposed to a small serving of it. With the leftover rice, I usually use it to make stir-fried rice. Sometimes I’ll just heat it up and eat rice with some salad dressing. (I know that sounds really weird, but plain white rice with some Italian dressing is really good. Give it a try!). I have tried using low-protein rice to make sushi, but when I made the roll did not stay together the way it does with normal sushi rice. However, I have seen some people post on Facebook and Instagram about making sushi rolls with low-protein rice. So if sushi rice is too much phe for you, definitely check out social media for those posts.

If you are beginning the journey of becoming a sushi maker, just remember: patience! It will probably take some time to perfect your sushi making. It will also take a lot of trial and error. And remember, even if it doesn’t look perfect, it will still taste delicious!

Avocado Sushi Roll.jpg


2 cups of sushi rice (will only use ¾ cup)

1 tbsp. of rice vinegar

½ avocado

1 Nori sheet

dash of cayenne pepper (optional)

1 tbsp. of Soy sauce (for dipping, optional)


  1. Cook the rice according to the package directions. Once the rice is cooked, place rice in mixing bowl. Add rice vinegar and blend well.

  2. Cut the avocado into thin slices.

  3. Lay the Nori sheet, shiny side down, onto a sushi mat.

  4. Evenly place the rice onto the Nori sheet. Start by placing the rice on the Nori sheet that is closest to you. Fill the Nori sheet with rice, leaving a ¼ inch gap at the top of the Nori sheet.

  5. Sprinkle rice with cayenne pepper (optional).

  6. Layer the slices of avocado horizontally on the bottom edge of the rice (side closest to you).

  7. Roll the sushi starting with the side closest to you, rolling towards the part of the Nori sheet that doesn’t have any rice on it.

  8. Slice sushi wrap into bite size pieces.

  9. Serve with soy sauce, ginger, and/or wasabi and enjoy!