Stir-Fry Bean Thread Noodles


Stir-Fry Bean Thread Noodles

This is one of those recipes I learned about a long, long time ago when I attended a PKU camp here in Maryland. One of the recipes they showed us was making stir-fry bean threads. I’m so glad I know about it! The noodles have 0g of protein and can be prepared a few different ways. This was a go-to meal for me when I really didn’t feel like spending a whole lot of time cooking or thinking about what I wanted to make. I made these noodles a lot throughout my high-school years.

One thing about making stir-fry noodles that I noticed as I was growing up was that it left a weird after-taste in my throat. After having made these noodles for so long, I finally found the right combination of sauces and spices that got rid of that. If you already make these noodles, maybe you never had that after taste, but I did. If you did experience it, the first thing that I found that helped me with the weird after-taste was the cayenne pepper. I know spicy flavors are not some people’s thing, but for me it helped. I also found that adding the duck sauce was super helpful too!

Another great thing about this recipe is that it is a stir-fry! If you don’t like the veggies I added, change them! Stir-fries tend to have peppers in them, but I personally don’t like cooked peppers all too much. I do sometimes add mushrooms, but didn’t currently have any on hand. BUT! These noodles taste great with just the sauces too if you don’t want to add any veggies. Most of the time I don’t add the vegetables, but if you’re having a hard time getting the little ones to eat their veggies, maybe this recipe will get them interested.


Stir-fry bean thread noodles.jpg

1 nest of Saifun bean thread noodles

2 tbsp. cooking oil

1/2 tbsp. low sodium soy sauce

1 tsp. of rice vinegar

1/2 tbsp. stir-fry sauce

2 tsp. duck sauce

2 tbsp. peas

¼ cup of corn

dash of garlic salt

dash of cayenne pepper

Servings per Recipe: 1

Serving Size: 1 Nest

Phe per recipe: 147mg* *Most phe comes from the veggies, so for lower phe count either eliminate veggies, or use lower-phe veggies.


  1. Soak nest of bean threads in hot water for 15-25 minutes.

  2. Heat cooking oil in a pan on high heat. Once frying pan is hot, drain the water and add the bean thread noodles and veggies (peas and corn) to the pan.

  3. Once the noodles and veggies are in the pan, reduce to medium-high heat. When adding the sauces and seasonings stir constantly. First add the rice vinegar, then the soy sauce, duck sauce, the seasonings and then the stir-fry sauce. Stir after adding each ingredient to the pan.

  4. If using canned veggies, your noodles and veggies should be finished cooking after adding the sauces. (About 2-3 minutes). If using frozen veggies (like me) let everything cook another minute or two to make sure the veggies are not frozen anymore. Cooking should not take longer than 5 minutes!

  5. Serve and Enjoy!