Banana Cookie Butter Sandwich


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This sandwich is super yummy, and can be enjoyed as a light lunch or a filling snack. The flavor combination of the bananas and the cookie butter is one of my favorites. My favorite cookie butter is the Biscoff Spread, but in this recipe I used some cookie butter that I got from whole foods. It is super creamy and delish, so if creamy isn’t your thing, maybe this one isn’t for you. (But you should try it anyway!)

If you just want to have a snack, or are shooting for lower phe content, then only use one slice of bread and eat it as toast.

What is great about this sandwich is that you can use your low-protein bread from Cambrooke, a gluten-free option from the store, or regular bread if you don’t have PKU. My favorite gluten-free bread that is low in protein is the Schar brand of bread. I have been able to find it at Giant, but haven’t see it in many other stores. And for non-PKUers, feel free to swap the cookie butter for peanut butter (I’ve heard that’s a pretty good combo as well).

I like to toast my bread for this sandwich because I like the crunchy-ness that it adds to the sandwich. But again, if that’s not your thing feel free to use non-toasted bread. This sandwich is super adaptable to your own taste preferences, which is always great in a recipe. 

I tend to enjoy this sandwich as breakfast, with my trusty cup of coffee. Or if I’m not feeling very hungry at lunchtime I may make this. But if I’m feeling very hungry in the middle of the afternoon, the toast version of this is a great go-to snack choice.


2 slices of bread

½ banana

2 TBS of cookie butter

Servings per Recipe: 1

Serving size: 1 sandwich

Phe per serving*: 81.5 mg

*Phe calculated using Cambrooke Homestyle Slice Bread, total phe may be different if using different bread.


  1. Toast both slices of bread to your toasty preference

  2. Cut the banana into thin slices while the bread is toasting

  3. Once the bread is finished toasting, spread the cookie butter onto both slices of bread. Then evenly place banana slices onto the bread evenly covering it. Once all the bananas are on, place the other bread slice on top!

  4. Cut sandwich, and enjoy!